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"As we bring Box to more

organisations, our mission

remains the same: to

make sharing, accessing and managing content ridiculously easy."

Aaron Levie, CEO at Box

Reinventing How the World Uses Business Content

What if big business could move at start-up speed? What if files could be openly shared, yet fully secure? What if scaling too fast was an opportunity, not an issue? That’s what Box is all about. Defying “possible.” Turning “what if” into “what can be.” Using the power of Box to make your business perform like never before. No matter what business you’re in. Today, over 34 million people – and 45,000 companies – rely on Box.

Box is a cloud platform that helps you securely store, share and manage all your company's files. Whether you need to secure confidential business information, to develop a custom mobile application or are trying to simplify paper-based office processes, Box can help you do more with your content.